Official U.S. Marine Corps Website

Suicide is a serious public health crisis that can have lifelong damaging effects on individuals, families, and communities. There are many factors that contribute to suicide. The goal of suicide prevention is to mitigate factors that increase risk and increase factors that promote resilience. If you or someone you know is at risk, reach out for help.

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline

Community Counseling Program

Family Advocacy Program

MCCS Counseling Facilities



BLDG 2100, Office # 127
Command Chaplain:           Command Religious Program Specialist:
Phone 1:  703.784.2393      Phone:   703.784.2393
Phone 2:  703.675.3623

To provide and facilitate appropriate ministries; e.g., divine services, religious sacraments, ordinances and pastoral care that support the religious needs and preferences of all members of MCAF and HMX-1 across the range of military operations.

Counseling in the areas of: PTSD, pre-marriage, marriage and relationships, personal, occupational stress.  Additional services include CREDO, Religious education, and golf lessons.
MCB Quantico Religous Ministries home page
   • Military OneSource

  • Antiterrorism level I Training 
     • This training is an annual requirement for all Marines and civilians. Once you have completed the training, print off the certificate and provide a copy to the Antiterrorism Officer (ATO).
     • To Access the training, click on the link below:

  • Eagle Eyes Program Information
     • Eagle Eye Poster
     • 7 Signs of Terrorism

  • General Antiterrorism Information 
    • Antiterrorism Individual Protective Measures
    • JS Guide 5260 Service Members Personal Protection Guide

  • Family Emergency Preparedness 
     In the event of an emergency....
     Do you have important contact numbers in a consolidated location?
       • Does your family have a designated place to meet outside of the home and neighborhood
       • Do you know the evacuation location of your child’s school(s)?
     The answer to these questions will help you in developing your family’s emergency preparedness plan. Please take the time to review these documents and talk with your family; you don't want to wait until an emergency has occurred to figure out what your family will do. 
     To help drive home the importance of getting prepared watch the 30 second video entitled Picking up the Girls at the following link 
     For more information on how you and your families can prepare visit the following link:

  • FEMA Training
    Per MARADMIN 423/06 and 234/07 the following individuals are required to conduct the IS-100 (Introduction to the Incident Command System) and IS-700 (National Incident Management System) online training. 

  1. CO
  2. XO
  3. SgtMaj
  4. All ARFF Marines
  5. All Officers, E-6 and above, and GS-12 and above in the following Sections only

· S-1
· S-3
· Safety

To access the courses go to the following link:

  1. Click on New User and fill out the information
  2. Keep the drop down box at the bottom of the screen as it appears (EMI)
  3. Once at the home page, click on the My Course button located at the very top of the page
  4. Enroll in IS-100 and IS-700. Note: there are many versions of the IS-100 course ensure you enroll in the course labeled IS100
  5. To help pass the test, it is recommended that you download and save the course summary (attached to the email). The test is multiple choice and “open book” in the sense that you will download and print the test so you can complete it off line. Once you have your answers you can log back in and fill in the answer sheet. (both course summaries are attached)
  6. Once you have completed and the test you will be sent an email that states you have passed. Included in this email will be a link to your certificate of completion.

Please forward this email to the ATO

If you are a service member or family member of a service member living away from your state of legal voting residence, you must complete a Federal Post Card Application (FPCA) in order to register to vote <> or request an absentee ballot <> . For state by state instructions on completing the FPCA, and mailing addresses upon completion, click here <> . If you have any questions, please contact the MCAF Voting Assistance Officer at (703) 784-1434. Additionally, more voting information can be requested through the email address and additional information can be found at the following websites: 
   • HQMC Voting Website
   • Federal Voting Assistance Program Website
   • Voting Information Newsletters
   • Voting News Releases
   • USMC Voting News


   • Safety Department
   • CTR/ ISC
Marine Corps Air Facility